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Selenium Removal from Wastewater

Selenium removal from wastewater

Sorbster® Se-1 is a highly functionized, enriched, alumina media that covalently bonds soluble selenium and other trace contaminants to its active sites.
It is suitable for use across a broad range of water qualities, and is optimized for removal of Selenium from wastewater.

The MCLG for selenium is 0.05 mg/L, or 50 ppb
Sorbster® Se-1 is specifically designed to remove multiple species:

Oxyanions – selenite (SeO₃) & selenate (SeO₄)
Organic selenocyanate (SeCN)
Water quality is a variable in selenium treatment
Sorbster® has on-going R&D on selenium species vs. competing
anions, solubility of complexes, media composition, pretreatments

Selenium removal from wastewater

Sorbster® Se-1 is a highly functionized, enriched, alumina media that covalently bonds soluble selenium and other trace contaminants to its active sites.
It is suitable for use across a broad range of water qualities, and is optimized for removal of Selenium from wastewater

The MCLG for selenium is 0.05 mg/L, or 50 ppb
Sorbster® Se-1 is specifically designed to remove multiple species:

Oxyanions – selenite (SeO₃) & selenate (SeO₄)
Organic selenocyanate (SeCN)
Water quality is a variable in selenium treatment
Sorbster® has on-going R&D on selenium species vs. competing
anions, solubility of complexes, media composition, pretreatments

Features and Benefits

Sorbster® Media Effectively removes soluble selenite, selenate, and selenocyanate in a wide range of process streams

• Can lower selenium concentrations to less that 1ppb in a single pass

• Produces no ancillary water streams that require additional treatment, handling or disposal

• Media passes the EPA TCLP test and allows for nonhazardous disposal options, reducing total cost to treat

• Requires fewer change-outs than competing media, maximizing ROI

• Active and diverse chemistry allows it to selectively capture and chemisorb selenium in both the oxyanion and cation forms, eliminating expensive process steps required by some competitive solutions

• Does not support bacterial growth

• May be used as a polishing media to reach ultra-lowlevel concentrations where existing solutions cannot perform to new permits

• Also removes Molybdenum, Mercury, Arsenic, Selenite, Copper, Fluoride, Selenate, Cadmium, Thallium, Silica, Tin, Barium, Hexavalent Chromium, Antimony, Cobalt, Vanadium, Lead, Zinc, Boron, Nickle and Cyanide

Sorbster Water Treatment © 2024 All rights reserved.
Cleveland, Ohio  |  Phone:  216-533-2343
Site Powered by Teknabyte

Sorbster Water Treatment © 2023
All rights reserved.
Cleveland, Ohio  |  Phone:  216-533-2343
Site Powered by Teknabyte

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